Popular South American Psychology Books

Find psychology books written by authors from South America for the next part of the Read Around The World Challenge. (10)


A gente mira no amor e acerta na solidão by Ana Suy PT

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Amor, solidão e psicanálise para os dias atuais. Podemos ler que o amor contém a solidão em seu interior, pois no coração do amor está sempre a solidão, e por isso quem não suporta a solidão também não suporta o amor." Escrito a partir de diálogos, A gente mira no amor e acerta na solidão, surgiu de experiências vividas pela autora em salas de aula, em sessões de análise (enquanto analisante ou analista), com amigos, em leituras de pesquisas teóricas. Neste livro, a psicanalista e professora Ana Suy quer, acima de tudo, continuar essa conversa contigo, leitor, sem a pretensão, no entanto, de s... continue


El Túnel by Ernesto Sábato ES

Rating: 3 (3 votes)
Breve e intensa novela publicada en 1948, este logrado fruto de la denominada "literatura existencial" le dio a su autor un reconocimiento que traspasó las fronteras nacionales. Para quien todavía no la leyó, El túnel es la mejor introducción al universo prodigioso de Ernesto Sábato; para quien la conoce, un clásico de las letras del continente, una historia sobre el drama del hombre arrojado en el sinsentido más doloroso: la conciencia de la nada. El narrador describe una historia de amor y muerte en la que muestra la soledad ... continue


Feebleminded by Ariana Harwicz EN

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Following the international success of Die, My Love (longlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2018), Ariana Harwicz again takes us into the darkest recesses of the imagination with this delirious, furious account of a mother and daughter bound by chaos as much as love. Driven to the edge by the men in their lives, they oscillate between erratic bursts of housework, lazing in the garden, and drunken escapades. But is the constant undercurrent of violence all in the daughter’s mind or will they actually go through with their plan for revenge? With a shocking, edge-of-the-seat finale wor... continue


Mentes Perigosas by Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva PT

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EDIÇÃO COMEMORATIVA DE 10º ANIVERSÁRIO COM DOIS CAPÍTULOS INÉDITOS Eles podem ter várias faces. Disfarçados de pessoas de bem, autora de mentes ansiosas ocultam o que realmente são: seres calculistas, manipuladores e insensíveis aos sentimentos alheios. Estão ao nosso lado no trabalho, na escola, na vizinhança e no círculo familiar e, a qualquer momento, podem gerar destruição em nossa vida. Eles são os psicopatas, uma ameaça real e silenciosa para toda a sociedade. Psicopatas não sentem culpa nem compaixão. Não se arrependem. Não nutrem nenhum senso de empatia ou responsabilidade em relação a... continue


Seven Ways to Kill a Cat by Matías Néspolo EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Set in Buenos Aires at the time of Argentina's financial crash, and seen through the eyes of twenty-year-old Gringo, it tells the story of two boys on the cusp of adulthood who have no choice but to join the gang warfare that rules their community. At least, Gringo's friend Chueco thinks they have no choice. He's determined to prove himself hard enough to get into El Jetita's gang, but smart enough to remain his own man. Gringo is more intelligent. He knows that gangs don't work like that: you obey the leader or else. As the two get drawn ever deeper into a pitched battle between El Jetita and... continue


Ten Women by Marcela Serrano EN

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Award-winning Chilean author Marcela Serrano weaves a beautiful story about the universal connections between women. For nine Chilean women, life couldn't be more different. There is the teenage computer whiz confronting her sexual identity. A middle-aged recluse who prefers the company of her dog over that of most humans. A housekeeper. A celebrity television personality. A woman confronting the loneliness of old age. Of disparate ages and races, these women represent the variety of cultural and social groups that Chile comprises. On the surface, they seem to have nothing in common...except f... continue


The Enlightenment of Katzuo Nakamatsu by Augusto Higa Oshiro EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
Country: South America / Peru flag Peru
Reminiscent of Kurasawa’s film Ikiru, Enlightenment explores the interior mindscape of a Japanese-Peruvian man and his luminous unraveling Katzuo Nakamatsu is having a recurring dream. He’s strolling down the glinting avenues of Lima, branches crowning overhead, when he hears someone snickering from the shadows. He wanders away in concentric circles, as if along a spider web, and wakes in a sweaty torment. Nakamatsu sleepwalks his way toward sublime disintegration. Katzuo is at sea after being forced out of his job as a literature professor without warning. He retreats into flânerie, musing wi... continue


The Tunnel by Ernesto Sabato EN

Rating: 4 (3 votes)
One of the great short novels of the twentieth century—in an edition marking the 100th anniversary of the author's birth. An unforgettable psychological novel of obsessive love, The Tunnel was championed by Albert Camus, Thomas Mann, and Graham Greene upon its publication in 1948 and went on to become an international bestseller. At its center is an artist named Juan Pablo Castel, who recounts from his prison cell his murder of a woman named María Iribarne. Obsessed from the moment he sees her examining one of his paintings, Castel fantasizes for months about how they might meet again. When he... continue


Una novelita lumpen by Roberto Bolaño ES

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
«Ahora soy una madre y también una mujer casada, pero no hace mucho fui una delincuente». Así inicia Bianca el relato de su dura entrada a la edad adulta en Roma, en Una novelita lumpen. Tras la temprana muerte de sus padres en un trágico accidente automovilístico, Bianca, poco más que una adolescente, protagonista y voz por medio de la cual se hilvana la narración, se descubre avocada al abismo de su indiferente existencia, dirigida irremediablementea un camino que no conduce a ningún futuro. Desde entonces dedica sus horas a lavar, tintar y cortar pelo mientras su hermano menor se mezcla con... continue


Veronika Decides to Die : A Novel of Redemption by Paulo Coelho EN

Rating: 4 (5 votes)
Twenty-four-year-old Veronika seems to have everything -- youth and beauty, boyfriends and a loving family, a fulfilling job. But something is missing in her life. So, one cold November morning, she takes a handful of sleeping pills expecting never to wake up. But she does -- at a mental hospital where she is told that she has only days to live. Inspired by events in Coelho's own life, Veronika Decides to Die questions the meaning of madness and celebrates individuals who do not fit into patterns society considers to be normal. Bold and illuminating, it is a dazzling portrait of a young woman ... continue